Monday, November 21, 2011

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 6

Chapter 6
On the day of the kidnapping, David came home after school. He made his gram some green Jell-O and added a sleeping pill. Irma Ruggles fell asleep and he left to go back to school.
In the meantime Betsy called her mom with the soundtrack of Jeff and Mark hosing around in the background. She then ate 3 slices of cake on three separate plates and threw them away. She had told her mother that they were going to listen to records so she put some on and turned the volume up high. She then left to go back to school.
At school Mr. Griffin came out with Sue. They were talking and when Mr. Griffin finally got in the car and had three boys jump on him, the first thing he said was run.

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 5

Chapter 5
At seven o’clock the alarm went and Kathy Griffin woke up. She could hear her husband, Mr. Griffin, taking a shower. He came out and asked if he should make her eggs but she insisted she cook them as being pregnant was not an excuse to not do anything. She started to wonder if Mr. Griffin would be just as hard on their child as he was on his students. He used to be a College professor but gave that up for her. She decided to talk to him about treating his students differently. He finally agreed to at least give his true feelings of the Ophelia song to Sue who was going to have a Meeting with him after school. Katherine reminded him to pick up his pills after school as Mr. Griffin kissed her goodbye.

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 4

Chapter 4
On Saturday morning Sue is woken up to the sound of the telephone ringing. Annoyed, she waits until one of her twin brothers get it. After a while one of them does and to her surprise it’s for her. Her brother said that there was boy on the phone to talk to her. Wondering why on earth a boy would want to phone her she took the phone.
Being stunned that a boy called did not prepare for that boy being her crush David. She was even more flabbergasted when he asked her out to a picnic. Exited, she excepted to the amazement of her whole family.
Jeff, David, Mark, Betsy and Sue all drove to the picnic area. It was a secret place discovered by Mark and his girlfriend Lana when they were out hiking. At this beautiful place, Mark and the others explained the plan to Sue. She agreed thinking that it would be fun. Unfortunately she was wrong.

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 3

Chapter 3
At his house, David lived with his mother and her mother in law. His father left when he was young and his mother works a lot so he is often given the task of taking care of his grandmother. With this and all his school homework he never has time to do what he wants. While Betsy, Jeff and Mark are driving around in Jeff’s car David’s at home doing housework.
The day he got and F from Mr. Griffin was almost like any other. He came home, at a snack and discussed the game show his gram had watched with her. She asked him to make Jell-O so he did and was about to do homework when the doorbell rang. At the door, Mark explains the plan to David who agrees to do his part.

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 2

Chapter 2
As Jeff made his remark in class, he did not think that anybody had heard him. But he was wrong. His best friend had thought it was a great idea to murder Mr. Griffin. Jeff and Betsy had been alarmed, but Mark had assured them that he had a safe plan. They would kidnap Mr. Griffin and tell him that they were going to kill him in an act to show him how he was treating his students. Betsy agreed to the plan and finally so did Jeff. All three of them then decide to call David for help. He could get Sue (Susan) to ask for an after school meeting which would then give them some time to kidnap Mr. Griffin without any interruptions when the meeting was over. They agreed.

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 1

Chapter 1
As Susan McConnell was walking to school through the red dust, a paged fluttered through the air and landed at her feet. Not thinking she stepped on it and that was when she came face to face with her crush, David Ruggles. Having ruined his finishing song for Ophelia, Susan had to watch David get and F from her least favorite teacher, Mr. Griffin. Being a straight A student she was at the top of his class and could barely manage a B. He was not the only one to fail this assignment, however. Other people had also not completed it and one of those people was Jeff. Having been rejected at his offer to bring the assignment in next class, Jeff mutters that he wish he could murder Mr. Griffin.