Monday, November 21, 2011

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 4

Chapter 4
On Saturday morning Sue is woken up to the sound of the telephone ringing. Annoyed, she waits until one of her twin brothers get it. After a while one of them does and to her surprise it’s for her. Her brother said that there was boy on the phone to talk to her. Wondering why on earth a boy would want to phone her she took the phone.
Being stunned that a boy called did not prepare for that boy being her crush David. She was even more flabbergasted when he asked her out to a picnic. Exited, she excepted to the amazement of her whole family.
Jeff, David, Mark, Betsy and Sue all drove to the picnic area. It was a secret place discovered by Mark and his girlfriend Lana when they were out hiking. At this beautiful place, Mark and the others explained the plan to Sue. She agreed thinking that it would be fun. Unfortunately she was wrong.