Monday, November 21, 2011

Killing Mr. Griffin Chapter 1

Chapter 1
As Susan McConnell was walking to school through the red dust, a paged fluttered through the air and landed at her feet. Not thinking she stepped on it and that was when she came face to face with her crush, David Ruggles. Having ruined his finishing song for Ophelia, Susan had to watch David get and F from her least favorite teacher, Mr. Griffin. Being a straight A student she was at the top of his class and could barely manage a B. He was not the only one to fail this assignment, however. Other people had also not completed it and one of those people was Jeff. Having been rejected at his offer to bring the assignment in next class, Jeff mutters that he wish he could murder Mr. Griffin.


  1. Replies
    1. that is very racist, jesus does not accept. In the name of the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, Amen.

    2. let just be honest we are all here because of quarintine and dont want to read

    3. broooo so true lmao english sucks! cheers from quebec!

    4. Yes man VIVE LE QUÉBEC LIBRE !!

  2. This is probably the best site to recap on this book.

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  5. greatest thing i've read in 2020 was this comment section

  6. This comment section made my day

  7. if anybody want to do cayo b2b i got pink diamond and add me on tiktok and message me ccadle_

    1. i forgot how grammar works i guess thats why im here
